Whom we Support

GSiL provides support to young people who require skills development in a semi-independent living environment. These young people include: 

  • Asylum seeking/refugee/ unaccompanied minors aged 16 and over;
  • Young expectant mothers;
  • Young parents;
  • Young people leaving care;
  • Young people who suffered abuse;
  • Young people who have a history of challenging the service;
  • Young people with offending history; and
  • Young people leaving foster care who need initial support in semi-independent living.

Like all groups of people in society, young people who use our services will all be different with diverse needs and backgrounds. However, for our service, it does not matter what category young people fall under; what matters is they are individuals with goals and aspirations in life.

Our policy on equality and diversity is reflected in all aspects of our service to make certain we accommodate and respect all aspects of ethnic/cultural background, religion, gender, disability, age or sexual orientation being sensitive to their specific needs.

Our staff are well trained to be aware of any barriers to carrying out direct work with young people relating to their language, culture, disability or difficulty, particularly communications difficulties, and ensures they receive any help and support needed to fully participate in their support planning.